Monday, July 18, 2022

The Meaning of the Lotus



July 18, 2022

Regenerate Your World 

Build the future you want to live in.

I know these times aren't the easiest for all of us, but I am an optimist - I see the glass as half-full, instead of half-empty. To brighten up your days, I publish the Regenerate Your World newsletter coming to your inbox on a bi-weekly basis.

Let's Get Empowered!

The Meaning of the Lotus

The fourth of July has come and gone. This month in the United States, we recognize our Independence day. It marks the day the Colonies adopted the Declaration of Independence. This was the beginning of a new era. During this time I reflect on the new beginnings in my own life. EMPOWER Possible is part of the new beginning for me and the logo represents a new beginning. The EMPOWER Possible logo includes an image of a lotus. You may wonder why a lotus? I remember the first time a saw a lotus. I was taken by the beauty and still am in awe of the lotus. I wanted to include a symbol that represents growth, creation, and strength.  The lotus represents all of these things and more. Throughout the Eastern religions, the lotus flower has many meanings. 

According to Dheepa Sundaram, Ph.D., assistant professor of religious studies at the University of Denver, lotus flowers in Hinduism represent the womb of the universe from which all things are born, as well as overcoming adversity. When studying the lotus I learned they need mud in order to grow, so that leads to the idea that out of darkness, destruction, and unrest, we can push through and bloom into something beautiful. Below is a poem that captures the meaning of the lotus.

Pond Of Lotus by Kumarmani Mahakul

Naturally still water has formed a meaning,

Beauty of mud is transformed into light,

Early dawn on arrival has invited flowers,

Lotus flowers smile in lap of green leaves.

Holding up still waves from side to side,

Each flower is doing meditation in pond,

While sun will rise soon, rays will touch,

They are waiting for enlightenment again.

They are waiting for golden appearance,

God’s grace will fall on them suddenly,

Arrival of new day is signified with love,

Beauty is veiled with joy of brilliant scenery.

Each lotus has come up from dirt and mud,

But through perseverance and practice,

Lotus has become pure, soft and shiny,

Every human soul in this Earth is like lotus.

Overcoming obstacles in this earthly pond,

Like lotus, soul does meditation to get God.

Face of body becomes golden in green hope,

Soul empowers by great wisdom of lotus.

In what area of your life are you stuck in the mud and waiting to bloom? In what areas of your life are you ready for a new beginning?

Together we can regenerate our world.


Read more about EMPOWER Possible

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Purpose in a time of crisis



July 5, 2022

Regenerate Your World 

Build the future you want to live in.

I know these times aren't the easiest for all of us, but I am an optimist - I see the glass as half-full, instead of half-empty. To brighten up your days, I publish the Regenerate Your World newsletter coming to your inbox on a bi-weekly basis.

Let's Get Empowered!

Purpose in a time of Crisis

Over the past two years, entrepreneurs have experienced tremendous hurdles. Constantly struggling with these hurdles can lead to burnout. One widely discussed strategy to overcome burnout is having a sense of purpose. However, just having a purpose isn't enough, as an individual, small business, or large organization, being purposeful is what matters. That is why I developed the presentation, Purpose in a time of crisis.

This presentation engages audience members in the revelation of how to be intentional in living out their purpose in their daily life in order to address, stress, burnout, and build resilience.

I am honored to be delivering the presentation at West Slope Startup Week There is still time to register.

I will give you a sneak peek of the presentation!

The definition of purpose during the presentation is related to our personal mission- You can say My life has a mission - it implies that our lives have direction, we set big goals and then use smaller goals and actions to move in the direction that fulfills our mission

During times of crisis, individual purpose can be a guidepost that helps people face up to uncertainties and navigate them better, and thus mitigate the damaging effects of long-term stress. People who have a strong sense of purpose tend to be more resilient and exhibit better recovery from negative events.

Research conducted during the pandemic finds that when comparing people who say they are “living their purpose” at work with those who say they aren’t, the former report levels of well-being that are five times higher than the latter. Those in the former group are four times more likely to report higher engagement levels.  Purposeful people also live longer and healthier lives. One longitudinal study found that a single standard deviation increase in purpose decreased the risk of dying over the next decade by 15 percent—a finding that held regardless of the age at which people identified their purpose. 

All this to say purpose matters!

Purpose is a thing you build, not a thing you find. Put differently in achieving professional purpose, most of us have to focus as much on making our work meaningful as in taking meaning from it. Almost any work can possess remarkable purpose. 

How do you contribute to this world? 

What is the one thing you have to do?

What is your why?

When you get clear about the why - why are you doing what you are doing, then what are you doing - your goals and actions you start to build your purpose. This may change over time so be flexible in the approach.

Together we can regenerate our world.


Read more about EMPOWER Possible


Monday, June 20, 2022

Let's Play Bingo!


June 20 2022:  Let's Play BINGO

Regenerate Your World

Build the future you want to live in.

I know these times aren't the easiest for all of us, but I am an optimist - I see the glass as half-full, instead of half-empty. To brighten up your days, I publish the Regenerate Your World newsletter coming to your inbox on a bi-weekly basis.

Let's get EMPOWERED!



In the Northland, we have a very short spring season. For most of the United States, spring has come however where I live in Northern Minnesota the trees were just beginning to bud a few weeks ago. This time of year is also the season of spring cleaning. I enjoy the effects of spring cleaning however I do not really enjoy the process of spring cleaning. It is a chore. However this year I tried something new. I tried to make it a little more fun.  Have you ever noticed how if you turn something fun it makes it seem less like a chore? Take a note from the words of Mark Twain.

“Work consists of whatever a body is obliged to do. Play consists of whatever a body is not obliged to do.” — Mark Twain 

If we view something as fun and not an obligation, maybe we will start to enjoy it. Try thinking, "I get to do____ instead of I have to do____". So with that idea, we can take items that we might not like doing and begin to prioritize them if we turn it into a game.  

Let's Play BINGO! Complete as an individual or share with friends

I made a well-being BINGO card since sometimes doing the things we know support our well-being feels a lot like our spring cleaning chores. Below are the directions. 

1. Gather a group of friends (or complete it on your own)

2. Send this newsletter to everyone on your team so they have their own BINGO card.

3. Choose the length of time for your challenge (1 week, 2 weeks, etc.). 

4. Decide on your game-winning  BINGO rules (5 in a row, etc.). 

5. Encourage your team to take small steps toward healthy activities! 

6. Create your own raffle and prizes or play for fun!

 How to win BINGO Combinations:

1 Line-horizontal,

vertical, or diagonal

= 1 raffle ticket

2 Lines-horizontal,

vertical, or diagonal in an

X = 2 raffle tickets

Box around outside edges

=5 raffle tickets

All squares

=8 raffle tickets

Link to BINGO card: 

Together we can regenerate our world.


Let's Play! Click here to download the Bingo card


Monday, June 6, 2022

Build the future you want to live in


June 6 2022:  The Rediscovery of Us

Regenerate Your World

Build the future you want to live in.

I know these times aren't the easiest for all of us, but I am an optimist - I see the glass as half-full, instead of half-empty. To brighten up your days, I publish the Regenerate Your World newsletter coming to your inbox on a bi-weekly basis.

Let's get EMPOWERED!

The Rediscovery of Us


Meet Teresa! Guest author.

This week the Regenerate Your World newsletter has a special guest author,

Teresa K Page. I met Teresa at the Small Business Association conference. After discussing our interests we found we had a lot in common. 

Teresa K. Page is a new performance coach who helps  professional Women renew their leadership mindset and  confidence to re-enter the workplace with fresh fire and  purpose after being displaced, made redundant or taken time  away from their previous careers.  

After serving the public and private education sectors for  seventeen years, Teresa is honored to lend her experience as  a servant leader to impact her new assignment with Teresa K. Page, LLC.  

Through the mediums of Performance Coaching, Personal Development  Webinars, Motivational Speaking and Signature Events, it is Teresa’s vision to  become a trusted development resource that support Organizations in their  efforts to enhance the success of Women within our global communities,  marketplaces and economies.  

Employing faith and practical principles in Love, Teresa demonstrates how its  effective power can be utilized as a skillset to renovate her clients’ perspective  as they seek new career adventures or entrepreneurial ventures of high value.  She also believes that Love is a gamechanger that gives us all an edge to be  innovative in business; powerful in influence; fully present for our teams and  stakeholders; knowledgeable in industry trends and benevolent in our  community service careers to heavily impact change here in the 21st Century! 

 I enjoyed reading her newsletter and thought you would too! Her newsletter this week, "The Rediscovery of Us: The Silver Lining of a Global Pandemic focuses on as review of the last few years. During the pandemic we were forced to settle accounts with our personal selves whether we wanted to or not.  Teresa asks the question, "Did we see the person we have become by circumstance or the reflection of the person we always dreamed to be? ". Click the link below to read the her newsletter and learn more about Teresa and her work.

Take care and remember together we can regenerate our world!

Monday, May 30, 2022

The Art of Visualization


May 30 2022:  The Art of Visualization

Regenerate Your World

Build the future you want to live in.

I know these times aren't the easiest for all of us, but I am an optimist - I see the glass as half-full, instead of half-empty. To brighten up your days, I publish the Regenerate Your World newsletter coming to your inbox on a bi-weekly basis.

Let's get EMPOWERED!

The Art of Visualization


 Over the past couple of years, I have been working on setting goals and have recently started to apply the art of visualization when setting and working towards a goal.  Once you have a vision of your goals it is easier to accomplish them.  How do you start the visualization/goal-setting process? There are many ways however you can begin with determining your Values and then think about how you live out your values in order to develop a sense of meaning and create purpose in your life. Next, write out and develop your Goals. Then think about how you would like to visually represent your goals. You can a vision board, draw a picture, a wordle or something else.
The wordle above is my physical representation of my goals related to EMPOWER Possible. 

What have you been working on? 

Have you tried a visualization practice? What happened? 

I’d love to connect and share more, if you are interested in receiving resources via email, send me a message or reply with your interest. 

For a free visualization video on EMPOWER- go to -scroll to the View All Products section click to view all products and select Empowerment Visualization.

Get Visual! Check out EMPOWER Courses

Monday, May 16, 2022

Citizen in the arena moment-the first post!


May 16 2022:  “Citizen in the arena moment” The first newsletter!

Regenerate Your World

Build the future you want to live in.

I know these times aren't the easiest for all of us, but I am an optimist - I see the glass as half-full, instead of half-empty. To brighten up your days, I am introducing the Regenerate Your World newsletter coming to your inbox on a weekly basis.

Let's get EMPOWERED!

Citizen in the arena moment


The time has come to launch EMPOWER Possible and! 

EMPOWER Possible has been years in the making. It is time to share what I have learned and continue to learn with others through EMPOWER Possible. I have been nervous about sharing what I have been working on as I am not sure how others will receive it. Anytime you share a piece of yourself you open yourself up to criticism, it is at these times I think of Theodore Roosevelt's statement to help build my confidence. 

As Theodore Roosevelt said, “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat….You have had a great past. I believe that you will have a great future. Long may you carry yourselves proudly as citizens of a nation which bears a leading part in the teaching and uplifting of mankind.” 

Source: "Citizenship in a Republic," Speech at the Sorbonne, Paris, April 23, 1910, The Works of Theodore Roosevelt, Vol XIII, pp. 506-529

Where in your life have you had a “citizen” in the arena moment and where have you held yourself back from entering the arena? 

What do you think stopped you?

We all can have our turn in the arena,  let’s dare greatly, engage, empower, and together we can regenerate our world.

Building a Lattice vs. Climbing the Ladder

  January 6, 2025 Regenerate Your World  Build the future you want to live in. I know these times aren't the easiest for all of us, but ...