Showing posts with label survey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label survey. Show all posts

Friday, December 15, 2023

What Type of Action Taker Are You?



December  15, 2023

Regenerate Your World 

Build the future you want to live in.

I know these times aren't the easiest for all of us, but I am an optimist - I see the glass as refillable instead of half-full or half-empty. To brighten up your days, I publish the Regenerate Your World newsletter coming to your inbox on a weekly basis.

Let's Get Empowered!

What Type Of Action Taker Are You?

My everyday mantra

Dear Empowered Reader,

Today, I am handing over my newsletter to a very special guest, Charity Youngblood. I met Charity a few years ago through a women's leadership group. She attended a session I was facilitating on how to create a vision board. Charity is an Action Taker, Host of the 5-minute "Life's Questions & Lessons" podcast, Creator, Writer, and Educator. 

During our first meeting, she provided good commentary and valuable insights. From that day on, one of the reasons I looked forward to attending the Leadership group was because I would reflect and learn with her. Eventually, we set up regular chats to check in with each other. I also connect with Charity by taking a few minutes every day to listen to her podcast, 

Her podcast and our monthly conversations always leave me feeling inspired, supported, and ready for action. Being ready for action and taking action are not the same and as I reflected on the type of action I tend to take a few questions kept coming up for me including, "What kind of action taker am I?" and "How do I motivate myself to move forward?". 

Lucky for me I was able to take Charity's quiz and it helped me to be more strategic in my action-taking and helped identify areas of growth.

 Click to take the quiz, In the next section Charity will share more about taking action.

Take Care, Dear Reader,



From Charity Youngblood:
Have you ever found yourself saying things like “I’ll take that class next year,” or “I’ll start that project in a few months,” or “I’ll relax and travel once I’m retired”? Putting things off for this reason or that reason, while the years continue to fly by. And before you know it, you don’t even remember why you put off all the things you wanted to do. 

I totally get it! Things come up and life gets messy. Priorities shift and change all the time. But contrary to popular belief: tomorrow is not promised. How do I know this? Well, I’ve experienced a LOT of death in my family. I mean a whole lot. 

I went to my first funeral when I was 7 years old. I have lost cousins, grandparents, aunts, uncles as well as a few close friends. All at various ages. Because of this, death is always at the top of my mind. Not in a morbid way, but in a “If you’re thinking of that person, call or text them today” kind of way. 

I think that’s also why I am so adamant about being an Action Taker. If you’re reading this, you have been given the gift of life. You are here. Here to dream, do, and be whatever you desire. When I get discouraged, I think about the people who’ve gone before me, and the chances they no longer have. The lessons they can no longer learn. The magic they can no longer witness. The laughter, the play, the adventures, the excitement they will no longer see. The pain and disappointment that leads to extraordinary growth. All of it is gone for them. But you and I are still here. 

There is no valid excuse to not live each day like the gift it is. I am blessed to be able to create and share my experiences with you. It is an honor to encourage and empower others, the way others have empowered and encouraged me. Please remember: Life is not a dress rehearsal. Whatever you want to do, whatever you want to create, whatever story you want to share, whatever places you want to go, make it happen. 

Since taking action is often easier said than done, here are a few questions to explore:

What are the goals, projects, ideas, trips, etc you have been putting off for "later"?

Why do you think “later” is a better time than “now” to do those things?
Is what you’ve been putting off important to you? Why? 
What feeling(s) would you experience once it happens or is completed? 

It can also be helpful to know what type of Action Taker you are, which you can discover by taking our new quiz.

Click to access the quiz
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Excerpt from "The Dash" 

by Linda Ellis

I read of a man who stood to speak

At the funeral of a friend

He referred to the dates on the tombstone

From the the end
He noted that first came the date of birth

And spoke the following date with tears,

But he said what mattered most of all

Was the dash between those years
For it matters not, how much we own,

The cars...the house...the cash.

What matters is how we live and love

And how we spend our dash.


Product Spotlight

Ready to take action and embark on a transformative journey? Consider signing up for Career Crossroads, an online course that navigates the intricacies of career transitions. 

Uncover the power of introspection as you reflect on past experiences, extracting invaluable insights to shape a future filled with purpose and fulfillment. 

Join us on this holistic exploration, identifying patterns and preferences that pave the way for a flourishing professional and personal life.

Click HERE to get started today!

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A Recap of My Costa Rican Adventure

    March 2, 2025 Regenerate Your World  Build the future you want to live in. I know these times aren't the easiest for all of us, but ...