Showing posts with label new beginning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label new beginning. Show all posts

Monday, December 4, 2023

Navigating the Holidays with Compassion and Understanding



December 4, 2023

Regenerate Your World 

Build the future you want to live in.

I know these times aren't the easiest for all of us, but I am an optimist - I see the glass as refillable instead of half-full or half-empty. To brighten up your days, I publish the Regenerate Your World newsletter coming to your inbox on a weekly basis.

Let's Get Empowered!

Navigating the Holidays with Compassion and Understanding

My everyday mantra

Dear Empowered Reader,

As we are in the middle of the holiday season many of us find it is typically filled with joy and togetherness, I wanted to share a touching story that underscores the significance of compassion, understanding, and community during this time as it may not be as joyful as it seems.

Meet Greg, he is a neighbor of mine, he lives across the street from me. I am not the most mechanically inclined nor do I know much about home maintenance. This has often led to very humbling experiences. Greg is the kind of neighbor who is always there to lend a helping hand. From the time I needed help learning how to secure my 10-foot kayak to my very small car or the time my car got stuck in a snowbank in front of my house.  Greg has always been there to assist me.

Throughout the years, I have had the privilege of conversing with Greg about his journey. His story serves as a poignant reminder that the holiday experience varies for each person.

A few years ago, Greg faced several profound losses casting a shadow over the approaching festivities. The holiday season, once a source of joy, now serves as a painful reminder of the void left behind. Navigating through the sea of holiday greetings has become an emotional challenge. During this time he shared with me that he is, "counting down the days until it is all over". 

In the spirit of Empower Possible, let's unite as a community to support Greg and others who may be facing similar struggles during this time. As empowered people, our collective strength has the power to make a positive impact on the lives of those around us.

Here are a few simple ways we can spread love and kindness:

Reach Out: A heartfelt message, a phone call, or a handwritten note can convey the depth of your care.

Inclusive Gatherings: Consider organizing gatherings that cater to various emotional needs. Creating spaces for connection beyond traditional celebrations can make a significant difference.

Acts of Kindness: Small gestures, such as assisting with errands or offering a listening ear, can foster a sense of community and support.

As we embark on this holiday season, let's make it a time of healing, understanding, and unity. Together, we can empower each other and create a community where everyone feels seen, heard, and valued.

To take this idea a step further, consider these questions:
How can I foster inclusivity in my holiday celebrations to accommodate diverse emotions?

What small acts of kindness can I incorporate into my daily life to uplift those around me?

In what ways can I create a sense of community and support for those who may be facing challenges this holiday season?

Wishing you a season filled with love, compassion, and shared joy.

Take care, dear reader,



Empower Possible

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Now by Chas. R. Skinner 

If you have kind words to say,

Say them now.

Tomorrow may not come your way

Do a kindness while you may,

Loved ones will not always stay;

Say them now.
If you have a smile to show,

Show it now.

Make hearts happy, roses grow,

Let the friends around you know,

The love you have before they go,

Show it now.


In the Media

Where can you find EMPOWER Possible?

Besides posting on my own social media I also collaborate with other entrepreneurs. This week I am going to throw back to the Monday Positivitea with Parul Podcast as it is relevant to this topic

This time of year it always seems there is not enough time. Want Freedom From The Clock? Check out this episode about Balancing Self-Discipline, Soul Purpose, and Self-Love for True Freedom. Check out the episode linked HERE to learn tips about finding work-life harmony, setting boundaries, and gaining freedom from the clock!

Interested in catching up on our previous podcast episodes? We invite you to explore our library of past recordings, where we delve into a diverse range of topics related to happiness and well-being. 

Connect with me on social media!


Copyright © EMPOWER Possible

 Duluth, United States

EMPOWER Possible is dedicated to empowering individuals, organizations, and communities to organize and act together to regenerate our world through Self, Social, and Systems transformation. \ Website \ Mission

You are receiving this email because you expressed an interest in my work—thank you! You can change your email preferences or unsubscribe at any time. 

Monday, January 16, 2023

What A Ride!



January 16, 2023

Regenerate Your World 

Build the future you want to live in.

I know these times aren't the easiest for all of us, but I am an optimist - I see the glass as half-full, instead of half-empty. To brighten up your days, I publish the Regenerate Your World newsletter coming to your inbox on a bi-weekly basis.

Let's Get Empowered!

What a ride! When dreams come true.

Team Alicia Celebration Dinner

The photo above is from the Team Alicia celebration dinner. 


Per Minnesota Statute 3.011, the Ninety-third Session of the Minnesota Legislature will begin on Tuesday, January 3, 2023, at 12:00 p.m.

House Floor Session.

- Members-elect take their oath of office.

- Election of Speaker of the House.

- Election of Chief Clerk of the House.

- Election of other officers of the House.

The above were the proceedings at the Minnesota State Capital that marked the beginning of my friend, Alicia Kozlowski’s term as MN House Representative for Section 8B. January 3rd was the beginning of a dream for Alicia, the completion of a dream for me, and the ending of a wild ride to the capital.  

On June 3rd, 2022 I received a text from an unknown number asking if I would like to get involved with Alicia Kozlowski’s campaign. I knew my friend Alicia was running to represent Minnesota Section 8B. After attending a campaign event and speaking with Alicia about the campaign they intended to run and their goals for the time in office I offered to help support the campaign. I replied to the text sharing I am interested in learning more. After meeting with the campaign manager, I was the new Volunteer Coordinator for the campaign. I  served on another friend's campaign team a few years ago I had an idea of what is involved in running and volunteering on a campaign team. I knew it would take a lot of time and effort to help with the campaign and I knew if Alicia was elected Minnesota would be better (read the Duluth New Tribune Op-Ed article posted at the end of the newsletter for more information about why). Back in June was the beginning of my involvement with Alicia’s dream to represent MN and my dream to help the candidates I believe in elected to office. 

This leads me to the question, what does it take to make a dream a reality?

This is the question I have been pondering as I have wrapped up several projects in 2022 and as I am heading into 2023. I noticed in order to be successful in making a dream come true it takes a community,  a community of people willing to take time from their lives to support a greater cause, a community willing to share progressive ideas that challenge the status quo, a community that cares,  supports each other, and forgives each other. During my time serving on the campaign team, we built our own community as a team and also engaged with the greater community in Duluth, MN. During my time with the campaign team there were times of joy, fun, frustration, sadness, grief,  (Alicia lost their Dad during the campaign), and relief. Some of these moments were expected and some unexpected. 

One lesson I learned from my time on the campaign team is how important it is to communicate community expectations. Have you ever noticed how when you go to a new place for the first time you might look around to see what others are doing? Think about the last time you tried something new. How did you learn how to do it? Did you watch someone else do it first? This is called social cognitive theory, developed by Albert Bandura. Basically, it proposes, learning occurs in a social context with the interaction of the person, environment, and behavior. It is essential to set community expectations because other people model the behavior they see. In order to build the community and encourage the community to know your expectations you need to communicate the what (experiences), the why, and how (beliefs and practices) behind your community expectations.

How can the communities you are involved in support your dreams? 

What are your expectations for your community? 

Do the members of the community know your expectations?

When I graduated from North Dakota State University with my Master’s degree a friend gave me a framed Henry David Thoreau quote, "Go Confidently In The Direction of Your Dreams". I appreciated the gift and over time, I have gained a sense of appreciation for this quote as I have found myself in situations where I have questioned my dreams wondering if I have what it takes to make this dream come true. When I start to question my dreams I think about the other times when I have been successful, I also think, "what is the worst that could happen?". If I try and it doesn't turn out how I thought it was going to then it is a lesson learned and I try something else. Asking these questions helps build my confidence and then when I decide I want to move confidently forward I ask myself if it is worth it. In other words, are achieving my dreams worth what it takes to achieve them? 

I had a dream of working to successfully elect Alica to the MN House however I also have a goal/dream of maintaining my well-being.  In order for these two dreams to not be in conflict with each other my work on the campaign can't take away from my well-being otherwise it is not "worth" it.  Every dream takes work but when the work starts to interfere with my well-being I need to think about how important this dream is to me.

As my interesting ride with Team Alicia ends I learned in order to make a dream a reality, I need to work in community with others, I need to communicate my needs with my community and I need to set dreams that complement each other and don't work against each other. 

As you think about your dreams think about the questions Alexandra Franzen posed in their latest newsletter, "What do you want to be celebrating 100 days from now?" That's April 26, 2023. Think about projects you want to complete, experiences you want to have, milestones you want to reach, or how you want to feel. Enjoy the ride!

What actions will you take—today—to create the future you want? 

How can your community support you?

I am also here to support you. Please send me an email noting your dreams to

 Also, don't forget to check out the freebie section. I created digital downloads and would like to share them with you!

Take care this week and always. Thank you for your readership!

Together we can regenerate our world,


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Duluth News Tribune Article 

By Alicia Kozlowski

By all statistics, I shouldn’t be who or where I am today, but as an elder always tells me often, “Gego Wiikanendankayn. Don’t ever give up!” As a kid running the streets of Duluth, I recall thinking to myself, “I’m going to MAKE HOPE so our future is brighter than this.” Flash forward to election day where my strong standing daughter pulls me close and whispers, “our super power is making our own hope and joy!” 

The last five weeks have been rewarding beyond measure envisioning a state government that has our backs. The era of gridlock is over as we walk into the most diverse Minnesota Legislature in history and a majority in the house, senate, and governorship. As we gear up for session, I’m dialed in to Duluthians needs and abundant strengths, and already fast at work for the people of Minnesota. 

Together, we organized, trusted, and believed in our collective power and flourishing future. As Minnesota's projected budget surplus soars to over $17 billion,  we need a budget that holistically puts people's lives and this land at its center. This was affirmed by a panel of previous legislators who shared wholeheartedly with our incoming class, “Be bold, spend the money, and do the most good for the most people of Minnesota.” 

The time is here and now for unmatched energy and political will to pass policy solutions and desperately needed investments that support workers, families, and our communities. This is our opportunity to fully fund our schools, publicly funded childcare, bold investments in housing and mental health supports, help Minnesotans with rising costs and tax relief, prevent gun violence, invest in critical infrastructure and our dynamic workforce, and much more to pave our own path towards thriving again. Door by door, we heard loud and clear that it’s time to rein in corporate greed by ensuring fairness in taxes, and move us towards universal and comprehensive healthcare so our loved ones can afford their lives. These issues braided across racial, economic, and climate justice drove me as a candidate and will guide my values-based priorities as your State Representative. 

Not only did we gain a trifecta of legislative and executive power, we elected the most diverse legislature in Minnesota’s history. November was a rainbow wave across the state and country.  I may be our state’s first nonbinary state legislator, but I promise you I won’t be the last! With the launch of the new Queer Caucus, we’ll mobilize a historic class of 12 LGBTQIA2S representatives to advance the movement for queer liberation. Together, we’re already working on grassroots solutions to protect rights, expand access to resources, and invest in LGBTQIA2S youth, people, and families.

Despite Minnesota’s projected massive budget surplus, there remain stark and unacceptable inequities throughout our state. Black, Indigenous, and Minnesotans of color are counting on us to seize this moment and deliver a transformative agenda. That’s why I’m incredibly proud to have been elected Vice Chair of the  House DFL Indigenous and People of Color (POCI) Caucus. We’ll build upon the groundswell of community-led work to continue strengthening community crisis response and ban no knock warrants, growing wealth through BIPOC entrepreneurship and economic mobility, invest in deeply affordable housing and pathways to homeownership for communities of color, and much more. This is the transformative work Minnesotans elected us to deliver. We’re wide-eyed and laser-focused on using the people’s surplus to advance legislation that urgently improves lives and protects the people, land, air, and waters of Minnesotans for future generations to come. 

Duluth, keep your relentless hope, unmatched dreams, and a community of people who never give up coming in the new year.  Now is the time to urgently drive forward the necessary solutions to help our neighbors stand taller and breathe lighter as we move into a brighter, more just future for the long run. Onward!

EMPOWER Possible Free Resources

Have you heard of information overload? Yes, there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. There are so many options when it comes to online learning it can be hard to know where to start. We can get overwhelmed and end up doing nothing.

Click the link below for a few tips that help me move from doing nothing and overcoming information overload by moving into action.

How to get started with online learning

Take a few minutes to relax and envision an empowered future. The act of visualization helps you to practice and imagine the future you would like to have. It directs your mind to focus on your goals for the future. Click the link below to get started.

Empowerment visualization

Upcoming Events

What: MasterClass Group

Where: Virtual Meeting

When: Saturday February 11th, 9am-10am 

Why: Maximize learning integration in a community of lifelong learners who also support gender equity. 

Cost: Free!

What: THRIVE: Overcome Burnout Duluth, MN Community Education Class Registration opens January 2023 

When: February 2023

Why: Participants will learn the signs of burnout and how to overcome and prevent burnout.

Cost: $29.00

Connect with me on social media!


Copyright © EMPOWER Possible

4912 Idlewild St., Duluth, United States, 55804

EMPOWER Possible is dedicated to empowering individuals, organizations, and communities to organize and act together to regenerate our world through Self, Social, and Systems transformation. \ Website \ Mission

You are receiving this email because you expressed an interest in my work—thank you! You can change your email preferences or unsubscribe at any time. 

Monday, January 2, 2023

Transformation and new beginnings



January 2, 2023

Regenerate Your World 

Build the future you want to live in.

I know these times aren't the easiest for all of us, but I am an optimist - I see the glass as half-full, instead of half-empty. To brighten up your days, I publish the Regenerate Your World newsletter coming to your inbox on a bi-weekly basis.

Let's Get Empowered!

Greetings! Happy New Year to You! Below is a guest post from Magdalena Jensen.

Magdalena Jensen - is a certified transformational coach, NVC conflict mediator, Women’s Circle facilitator and ceremony/sacred space holder. She previously launched two commercial companies and co-founded a pan-European NGO in the music industry. Magdalena now coaches unique, ambitious individuals - leaders who believe that change starts with themselves - towards their dreams and desires, opening up new possibilities and perspectives. 

I met Magdalena after she replied to a post about my transitions project. Magdalena was kind enough to chat with me about her life transitions. During our conversation, a lot of what she said resonated with me. We ended the conversation by brainstorming ways we could keep in touch and collaborate. One of the ways was for her to write a guest post for the newsletter. I hope you enjoy Magdalena's post.  Also, new to the newsletter this week is a freebie section. I created new digital downloads and would like to share them with you!

Take care this week and always. Thank you for your readership!

Together we can regenerate our world,


Below is where you can find more information about Magdalena.



Magdalena Jensen

Hello dear readers, 


Allow me to introduce myself, today’s guest collaborator in Julie’s inspiring newsletter: I am Magdalena Jensen, a transformational coach, conflict mediator and sacred space holder and I have really been feeling like 2022 was one of the weirdest years of my life. 


It was meant to be a breakthrough year - outta the pandemic (finally!) and into a new… something. Yet, 2022 was like that never-ending hangover that has you questioning your very existence, your purpose and why you do the things you do… and why everything around us is the way it is. 


Perhaps you feel something similar? Like this past year was some lengthy existential crisis that has you questioning every facet of your reality? 


Firstly: know that you are not alone. Many of us have been feeling like we’re in an extended void space, a lengthy liminal pause before “normal” sets back in. 


Secondly: know that there is no going back and there’s no one coming to rescue you from this murky discomfort. You are your own savior, you create your own future. 


[Bear with me - this is not meant to be a bleak message, but one grounded in a reality that many of us are facing as we wind down 2022 and face 2023 head-on. This is a message to myself as much as to any of you lovely souls reading this!] 


I actually find this idea - that I am a herald and create my own future - to be both liberating and empowering AND quite daunting. 


Daunting because there is endless possibility for what we may create. We are all creatures of the divine and we have the ability to do and be anything our heart desires. 


Liberating and empowering for those same reasons… 


So, how to actually hone in on what we desire? How to shift out of this liminal space and launch ourselves forward into 2023? There is no ONE way, but I would like to offer you a few bits that can support you on this journey… 


  1. 1. Remember that all creation comes from darkness.  


Seeds germinate in the darkness of the earth. Babies grow in the darkness of the womb. Fresh blades of grass always push through the ashes of destruction…  


When something new is coming through us (and, trust me - something new absolutely is coming through society as a whole right now), we absolutely need to allow that which no longer serves to die off, we need to allow these moments of sacred pause while new life germinates and we need to lean into this inevitable life cycle with grace (or risk feeling frustrated for as long as the germination period takes… and isn’t it “better” to focus on feeding the fertile ground rather than frustrating and disrupting the soil?). 


  1. 2. Use this time of sacred pause to feed the fertile ground. 


There’s always a calm before the storm and we can either fight it or feed it. Personally, I have spent a few futile days fighting this calm period and, literally, all I feel is frustrated and I keep fighting with my husband about nothing at all. 


Finally, now that I am nearly a week into this sacred pause, I am realizing that there are far better ways for me to spend my time… I am forgiving myself for being frustrated and, instead, turning my focus to feeding the fertile soil. 


What does this look like? Exercise, nervous system regulation and rest (plus planning a plant medicine journey to open the new year). Taking care of our physical vessels is a really great way to remain grounded and centered through the discomfort of change. Regulating and toning our nervous systems is crucial to growth - we need to feel safe at every new level of expansion. 


  1. 3. Trust that you don’t need to know the whole vision - just focus on the next step. 


It can be overwhelming to try to formulate a vision for the future when so many things are shifting in and around us. Release the need to know what is next. Support yourself to feel comfortable in the discomfort. Allow yourself to surrender to what is and will be. Trust that all is unfolding for your highest good. 


All you need to do, in this “meantime” moment, is be present. Use whatever favored tools you have to stay grounded, centered and in your body. Take advantage of the quiet to relax into simply BEing (BTW, this is not easy for me at all… I love DOing and often feel uncomfortable simply BEing). Trust that you will know exactly what you need to know when you know it… and see what unfolds. 


  1. 4. Tune into your dreams to glean information. 


After the turmoil of the past few years, many people are finding it difficult to envision their future, project themselves into their imagination and dream. This is completely understandable, for when we are in stress mode all the time, our pineal gland is not able to activate and create our future visions and dreams.  


That’s why it can be so important to both regulate your nervous system, and to relax your body into a hypnotic state and be guided to access your subconscious vision for a beautiful future. I invite you to check out this 10-minute guided meditation that will support you to glean information from your own subconscious. 



As without, so within. 


It is inevitable that we resonate with this moment of liminal space, of confusion, of sacred pause… the whole world is shifting and changing all around us and we need to take a collective breath to gather ourselves before we launch into that expansion. 


I encourage you to release any guilt you feel about not vibing with the “new year, new me” New Year’s resolutions hype. I encourage you to give yourself permission to simply BE and feel into the incoming inevitability of change. Remember to take it step by step and surrender to what unfolds. And allow yourself to daydream, to dream dream πŸ˜‡, to sit with yourself in meditation and be with your vision of your future. 


Change is already in motion. It is inevitable. Lean into whatever is shifting in your life and watch it mirrored in the collective. 


Lastly, for the astrology lovers out there: Mercury just went retrograde and will remain so until the 18th of January, Mars is retrograde until the 12th of January and these transits are preparing us for the Lunar New Year on 22 January - this can be considered the real start to a new cycle… This lethargy, lull and liminal moment will pass on a collective level and we will all start to feel a natural progression towards our desires and intentions we are now planting. 


Sending you lots of love on your journey, wherever you are.  




PS: Feel free to reach out on Instagram and chat - I would love to hear what seeds you are planting and how this germination moment feels for you 😘 


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A New Fresh Start

Everybody has hopes & dreams
Dreams that still do exist
Dreams that are going to be accomplished
Everybody has hopes & dreams
Those dreams feel far but they are closer than you expected..
You know that feeling deep down inside that you can’t explain but it brings a form of good energy...
It’s your hopes & dreams starting to form.
Get ready for the new growth
The new opportunities
The several eye openers
Everything is starting to feel fresh.
Free_ minded_lee🀍
#freshstart #growth #dreams 

New EMPOWER Possible Free Resources

Have you heard of information overload? Yes, there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. There are so many options when it comes to online learning it can be hard to know where to start. We can get overwhelmed and end up doing nothing.

Click the link below for a few tips that help me move from doing nothing and overcoming information overload by moving into action.

How to get started with online learning

Take a few minutes to relax and envision an empowered future. The act of visualization helps you to practice and imagine the future you would like to have. It directs your mind to focus on your goals for the future. Click the link below to get started.

Empowerment visualization

Upcoming Events

What: MasterClass Group

Where: Virtual Meeting

When: Saturday February 11th, 9am-10am 

Why: Maximize learning integration in a community of lifelong learners who also support gender equity. 

Cost: Free!

Click here to register

What: THRIVE: Overcome Burnout Duluth, MN Community Education Class Registration opens January 2023 

When: February 2023

Why: Participants will learn the signs of burnout and how to overcome and prevent burnout.

Cost: $29.00

What: University of Wisconsin-Superior Coffee Break Course: EMPOWER YOUR NEW YEAR

Where: Virtual

When: Register to view anytime throughout December 2022

Why: The New Year is often a time for new goals and a fresh start. However, most of us abandon these goals in a few weeks. This session will help participants empower their new year and set a vision for the year to overcome barriers to reaching their goals. 

Cost: Free!

Click here to register

Connect with me on social media!


You are receiving this email because you expressed an interest in my work—thank you! You can change your email preferences or unsubscribe at any time. 


Ripple Effects

    April 29, 2024 Regenerate Your World  Build the future you want to live in. I know these times aren't the easiest for all of us, but...