Showing posts with label anniversary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label anniversary. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Insider Insights: Celebrating Three Years



October 16, 2024

Regenerate Your World 

Build the future you want to live in.

I know these times aren't the easiest for all of us, but I am an optimist - I see the glass as refillable instead of half-full or half-empty. To brighten up your days, I publish the Regenerate Your World newsletter coming to your inbox on a bi-weekly basis.

Let's Get Empowered!

Insider Insights: Celebrating Three Years

Three-year celebration! Happy birthday Empower Possible!


Dear Empowered Reader,

I can hardly believe it—it’s been three years since I took the leap and launched Empower Possible! What started as a dream fueled by my own experiences of burnout turned into a passion for helping people find harmony in their hectic lives and blossomed into something more meaningful than I could have imagined. Today, I’m reflecting on how much we’ve grown together, and I feel overwhelming gratitude for this incredible journey.

When I first started Empower Possible, it was just me, an idea, and much hope. I had a vision, but I wasn’t sure how it would unfold. Those early days were filled with excitement and, yes, plenty of uncertainty. I wondered if anyone would join me on this mission to build a life where wellness wasn’t just a goal, but a daily practice. And then, slowly but surely, you did. We began planting seeds of change together, and now here we are—a community that has turned wellness into something real, practical, and transformative.

I’ll never forget the first workshop I hosted. I was nervous, hoping it would resonate with the attendees, but I quickly realized that this wasn’t just about me teaching—it was about us learning from each other. Each one of you has shared something that’s impacted me deeply—your stories, your challenges, your moments of growth. They’ve become the foundation of Empower Possible, reminding me every day why I started this in the first place.

Let me share one pivotal moment with you. It was about six months after launching Empower Possible, and I was feeling a sense of burnout creeping in again. Yes, even after all my efforts to create harmony, I realized I wasn’t following the advice I was giving. My calendar was overbooked, and I had little time for personal regeneration. One weekend, I decided to take a solo hike in the woods—a place I’ve always gone to recharge. I left my phone in the car and immersed myself in nature. As I walked, I reflected on what truly mattered to me and made a promise to myself: I would not lose sight of the well-being practices I had worked so hard to instill. That hike became a turning point, reminding me that regeneration is not a one-time event but a continuous practice that requires attention and intention. It was a lesson that shaped how I lead Empower Possible and serve this community today.

I’d love for you to take a moment and reflect on your journey.

Think back to three years ago—where were you in your well-being journey compared to today?

What have you discovered about yourself, your habits, or your mindset that has helped you grow?

And most importantly, how can you continue to prioritize your own well-being as you move forward into the next chapter of your life?

For me, these three years have reinforced one powerful truth: transformation is never easy, but it is always worth it. Every step forward, no matter how small, gets us closer to a life that feels aligned with who we truly are. There were moments when I wasn’t sure I was moving in the right direction—moments when doubt crept in—but every time, this community reminded me of the importance of persistence and the beauty of progress.

Another experience that profoundly shaped my approach to well-being came just last year. I was in the middle of preparing for a big keynote speech, and, once again, I found myself stretched thin. I decided to plan a small day retreat with a couple of friends.  I was hesitant to take time away however I knew how important it is to rest and recharge. During that day away, I had the chance to unplug, take a long walk in the woods, and just "be". It wasn’t until I slowed down that I realized how much I had been running on empty. That experience reminded me of the power of rest and reflection, and how essential they are for regeneration. It’s a lesson I now incorporate into every facet of my life and work—recognizing that regeneration comes from giving ourselves space to breathe, reflect, and recharge. Without it, we cannot sustain our well-being.

One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned from you is that we never have to walk this path alone. I’ve seen firsthand how the connections we’ve built here are the cornerstone of personal growth. Each of you has shown me the incredible strength that comes from having a village—a support system that celebrates our wins, picks us up after setbacks, and reminds us of our power.

Speaking of power, I want to share a quote about power: “The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.” – Alice Walker. This hits home because it’s the core of what Empower Possible is all about—helping you remember that you already have the power to shape your life, your well-being, and your future. The small, daily choices you make? They add up, and they are so much more impactful than we often realize. Don’t underestimate the power of those little steps—they can lead to life-changing transformations.

As I look ahead, I’m excited for what’s to come. I have new programs and opportunities on the horizon—whether it’s diving deeper into our Mountain 10 workshops, new podcast guest appearances, or continuing to connect through these newsletters. 

There’s so much more we can accomplish together, and I can’t wait to see where this journey takes us.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for being part of this community. Empower Possible wouldn’t be what it is without each of you.

Here’s to many more years of growth, empowerment, and well-being!

With heartfelt gratitude,  

Julie Zaruba Fountaine  

Founder, Empower Possible


Screen capture of a brainstorming activity I completed as I was dreaming of what Empower Possible could be.

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Still I Rise by Maya Angelou


You may write me down in history
With your bitter, twisted lies,
You may trod me in the very dirt
But still, like dust, I’ll rise.

Does my sassiness upset you?
Why are you beset with gloom?
’Cause I walk like I’ve got oil wells
Pumping in my living room.
Just like moons and like suns,
With the certainty of tides,
Just like hopes springing high,
Still I’ll rise.

Did you want to see me broken?
Bowed head and lowered eyes?
Shoulders falling down like teardrops,
Weakened by my soulful cries?

Does my haughtiness offend you?
Don’t you take it awful hard
’Cause I laugh like I’ve got gold mines
Diggin’ in my own backyard.

You may shoot me with your words,
You may cut me with your eyes,
You may kill me with your hatefulness,
But still, like air, I’ll rise.

Does my sexiness upset you?
Does it come as a surprise
That I dance like I’ve got diamonds
At the meeting of my thighs?

Out of the huts of history’s shame
I rise
Up from a past that’s rooted in pain
I rise
I’m a black ocean, leaping and wide,
Welling and swelling I bear in the tide.

Leaving behind nights of terror and fear
I rise
Into a daybreak that’s wondrously clear
I rise
Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave,
I am the dream and the hope of the slave.
I rise
I rise
I rise.

From And Still I Rise by Maya Angelou. Copyright © 1978 by Maya Angelou.


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Copyright © EMPOWERPossible

Northfield, MN, USA

EMPOWER Possible is dedicated to empowering individuals, organizations, and communities to organize and act together to regenerate our world through Self, Social, and Systems transformation. \ Website \ Mission

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Reflecting on Two Years of Growth, Triumphs, and Dreams!


Regenerate Your World 

Build the future you want to live in.

I know these times aren't the easiest for all of us, but I am an optimist - I see the glass as refillable instead of half-full or half-empty. To brighten up your days, I publish the Regenerate Your World newsletter coming to your inbox on a bi-weekly basis.

Let's Get Empowered!

Reflecting on Two Years of Growth, Triumphs, and Dreams!

My everyday mantra

Dear Empowered Reader,

Can you believe it's been two incredible years since we embarked on this empowering journey together? It's time to celebrate and reflect on the remarkable milestones we've achieved. I truly mean we, I would not be here without your support!🥳

EMPOWER Possible by the Numbers:

🎙️ Podcasts: Over 17 episodes filled with inspiration, insights, and the voices of change. To listen to a podcast go to 

📬 Newsletters: 40 newsletters packed with knowledge, updates, and empowering stories delivered to your inbox. Want to re-read a past newsletter? Go to

🖥️ Webinars/Presentations/Consulting Projects/Retreats: Presented 13 sessions, sharing expertise, and collaborating for positive change.

🚀 Course Launches: Launched 11 courses designed to empower, educate, and elevate our community. 

🏆 Pitch Competitions Entered: 1 competitions embraced

✨ Dreams Realized: countless dreams turned into reality, thanks to the power of passion and perseverance.

🌟 Dreams Just Beginning: Endless dreams sparked and ignited, paving the way for a future filled with possibilities.

EMPOWER Possible by the Memories:

🗣️ Conversations: Countless heart-to-heart conversations that sparked ideas, fostered collaboration and created a supportive community.

📚 Lessons Learned: A library of lessons, each one a stepping stone towards growth and empowerment. I am learning to embrace the journey and let go of attachment to the outcome.

🏋️ Challenges Overcome: The biggest hurdle has been my mindset. I am learning to get out of my own way knowing that every hurdle faced was a chance to prove our resilience, turning challenges into triumphs. 

Time to reflect:

Looking back on the past two years, what is one achievement or milestone that stands out to you as a testament to your personal growth or the growth of our community? How did it impact you or those around you?

As we celebrate dreams realized and dreams just beginning, what is a dream or goal that you initially thought was beyond reach but, through passion and perseverance, you've seen come to life? 

How has this experience shaped your perspective on what's possible?

Reflecting on the lessons learned and challenges overcome, what is one piece of wisdom or insight gained that you'd share with someone who is just beginning their journey toward empowerment? 

How has overcoming challenges contributed to your resilience and determination?

Feel free to share your reflections or discuss them with others in the empowered community. 

It's a great way to celebrate the journey and inspire each other for the road ahead!

As we celebrate this significant milestone, let's recognize the power of empowerment and the incredible community that makes it all possible. 

Thank you for being a part of my journey, and here's to many more years of EMPOWERING POSSIBILITIES!

Take care, dear reader,


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"Citizenship in a Republic"


Theodore Roosevelt 

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. 

The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena,

 whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; 

who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; 

but who does actually strive to do the deeds; 

who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; 

who spends himself in a worthy cause; 

who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, 

so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”


In the Media

Where can you find EMPOWER Possible?

Besides posting on my own social media I also collaborate with other entrepreneurs. This week I am going to throw back to my very first podcast interview as it is relevant to this topic

I was a guest on the Multiple Revenue Streams podcast and chatted with, Linda Payan. We discuss how to keep going, do the little things every day, and start building a revenue stream that you are proud of. Check it out HERE 

Interested in catching up on our previous podcast episodes? We invite you to explore our library of past recordings, where we delve into a diverse range of topics related to happiness and well-being. 

Upcoming Events

 1) September/October: Better Together Series. Integrative Health and Well-being for Practitioners Series hosted in partnership with the University of Minnesota.

2) October, New Course, Career Crossroad Launch

3) Engaged Company Culture Podcast

4) UnCaped Heroes Podacast

Connect with me on social media!


Copyright © EMPOWER Possible

 Duluth, United States

EMPOWER Possible is dedicated to empowering individuals, organizations, and communities to organize and act together to regenerate our world through Self, Social, and Systems transformation. \ Website \ Mission

You are receiving this email because you expressed an interest in my work—thank you! You can change your email preferences or unsubscribe at any time. 

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Celebrating Milestones



July 15, 2023

Regenerate Your World 

Build the future you want to live in.

I know these times aren't the easiest for all of us, but I am an optimist - I see the glass as refillable instead of half-full or half-empty. To brighten up your days, I publish the Regenerate Your World newsletter coming to your inbox on a bi-weekly basis.

Let's Get Empowered!

Celebrating Milestones

My everyday mantra

Dear Empower Possible Community,

It's an exciting time as we celebrate two significant milestones - the growth of EMPOWER Possible, I have officially been in business for a year and nine months, and my 13th wedding anniversary. Lucky number 13, as I remind my husband!

This month's newsletter is about the power of relational well-being, at a personal, interpersonal, and organizational level, and how it contributes to our overall success.

When we think about success, it's easy to focus solely on professional achievements. However, true success encompasses much more than that. 

It involves nurturing healthy relationships, finding harmony in our lives, and fostering a sense of well-being in every aspect. 

Think about how you define success. Is it a feeling, reaching a specific level of income, being in a particular type of relationship, gaining fame, or becoming an expert in your field?

Success always seemed just beyond my reach so I decided to reflect more on why I felt this way. And what I came to realize I was always thinking about success as a final destination. Now I define success differently. I include the aspects of the three empowerments (self-awareness, social networks, and systems) as they relate to joy and relationships. If I am experiencing moments of joy, learning, building relationships, and growing then I am on the right track toward success, recognizing it is a journey.  This journey includes other people, family, friends, and colleagues. Some people come in and out of our lives quickly and others stay for awhile. 

Think about the following questions.

What roles do relationships play in our lives? 

What relationships do you cherish? 

What relationships help you grow? 

How do you nurture connection?

Cherishing Relationships: As I celebrate my wedding anniversary, I reflect on the importance of strong and meaningful connections in my life. Take a moment to consider the relationships that have shaped you, supported you, and brought joy into your life. Express your gratitude to those who have been a part of your journey. Think about how they have contributed to your success.

Self-Care and Personal Growth: Just as we prioritize the well-being of our loved ones, we must also remember to care for ourselves. Pause, take a deep breath, and tune in to your own needs. Ask yourself, "What do I need to feel balanced, rejuvenated, and fulfilled?" Embrace self-care practices that nourish your mind, body, and soul. For me, I prioritize time in nature by taking a walk in the woods or a paddle on the lake in order to rest and recharge.  What relationships in your life support your well-being?

Nurturing Meaningful Connections: In our pursuit of relational well-being and success, we cannot overlook the importance of interpersonal relationships. Take the time to cherish and nurture the connections you have with others. Reach out to a colleague or friend who has supported you on your journey and express your gratitude. Engage in meaningful conversations, actively listen to others, and offer your support and encouragement. By fostering strong interpersonal connections, we create a network of individuals who uplift and inspire us, contributing to our overall well-being and success. 

I set a reminder in my calendar to reach out to a friend at least once a week. This helps me maintain my relationships.

Organizational Well-being: Empowering Success Together

EMPOWER Possible has been built on the foundation of empowering individuals and organizations to thrive. I believe that when we prioritize the well-being of our teams, the results speak for themselves. Here are a couple of ways we can foster organizational well-being:

Cultivating a Supportive Work Culture: A positive and supportive work environment promotes collaboration, innovation, and overall job satisfaction. Encourage open communication, recognize achievements, and invest in professional development opportunities that help your team members grow both personally and professionally.

Empowering Leadership: Effective leadership plays a crucial role in creating a thriving organization. Lead with empathy, inspire your team, and provide them with the tools and resources they need to succeed. By prioritizing the well-being of your team members, you create a workplace that fosters productivity and fulfillment.

In the spirit of relational well-being, I encourage you to take a moment to reflect on your personal and professional connections, the support systems you've cultivated, and the milestones you've achieved. Share your insights and experiences with me: I would love to hear from you!

Remember, success is not solely measured by individual accomplishments but also by the richness of our relationships and the positive impact we make on those around us. Let's continue to empower each other as we journey toward well-being and success.

Wishing you a month filled with joy, love, and empowered possibilities!

Warm regards,


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If You Must Go by 

Terry Gouveia

If you must go, then go for a while
Remember that first step is a hard traveled mile.

To learn what lessons life has in store,
You must be willing to open each door.

Don't be afraid to experience something new
For each experience will be a benefit to you.

Never live your life in the past
Enjoy every day as if it were your last

Mistakes you will make along the way
Learn from them, and you'll be okay

Set your goals high and strive for them
As long as you try, you'll never be condemned

Be kind and respect the people you meet
For they may be the ones to make life complete

Be sincere in everything you do
And treat others as you wish they would you

Whatever you do, make sure you're content
For the last thing you want is something to resent

So if you must go, then go for a while
And when you return, return with a smile.



In the Media

Where can you find EMPOWER Possible?

Besides posting on my own social media I also collaborate with other entrepreneurs. 

Most recently I was a guest on #GoalChatLive.

This week on #GoalChatLive, Debra Eckerling talks about Happiness with Dave Delaney, founder of Futureforth and host of The Nice Podcast, and me : ) founder of EMPOWER Possible. Check out the episode linked HERE to learn more about reaching your goals with a happiness mindset.

Interested in catching up on our previous podcast episodes? We invite you to explore our library of past recordings, where we delve into a diverse range of topics related to happiness and well-being. 

Upcoming Events

1) August 18th and 19th, Dear Future Me: Women's Empowerment Summit

Engage in transformative workshops that empower you to overcome trauma, execute your vision, implement self-care, & have financial wellness.

own text

Join Me! Engage and Transform!

2) September, Building Our Strengths Online Course

The interactive workshop will begin by identifying your strengths and offer the opportunity to discuss and reflect on your strengths. By the end of the workshop, you will have a clearer understanding of your personal strengths and how you utilize them in your work and personal life.

To register go to Building Our Strengths  

own text

Join me! Build Your Strengths


2) September 27th, Midwest Health Promotion Conference: Weaving a Web of Wellness 

Presenting on the topic of Care Champions. To Register go to Health Source Solutions

3) October, New Course, Career Crossroads Launch Stay Tuned for Details!

4) October, MNSOPHE Conference, more details to come!

Connect with me on social media!


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EMPOWER Possible is dedicated to empowering individuals, organizations, and communities to organize and act together to regenerate our world through Self, Social, and Systems transformation. \ Website \ Mission

You are receiving this email because you expressed an interest in my work—thank you! You can change your email preferences or unsubscribe at any time. 

A Recap of My Costa Rican Adventure

    March 2, 2025 Regenerate Your World  Build the future you want to live in. I know these times aren't the easiest for all of us, but ...