Showing posts with label change. Show all posts
Showing posts with label change. Show all posts

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Reflecting on Two Years of Growth, Triumphs, and Dreams!


Regenerate Your World 

Build the future you want to live in.

I know these times aren't the easiest for all of us, but I am an optimist - I see the glass as refillable instead of half-full or half-empty. To brighten up your days, I publish the Regenerate Your World newsletter coming to your inbox on a bi-weekly basis.

Let's Get Empowered!

Reflecting on Two Years of Growth, Triumphs, and Dreams!

My everyday mantra

Dear Empowered Reader,

Can you believe it's been two incredible years since we embarked on this empowering journey together? It's time to celebrate and reflect on the remarkable milestones we've achieved. I truly mean we, I would not be here without your support!🥳

EMPOWER Possible by the Numbers:

🎙️ Podcasts: Over 17 episodes filled with inspiration, insights, and the voices of change. To listen to a podcast go to 

📬 Newsletters: 40 newsletters packed with knowledge, updates, and empowering stories delivered to your inbox. Want to re-read a past newsletter? Go to

🖥️ Webinars/Presentations/Consulting Projects/Retreats: Presented 13 sessions, sharing expertise, and collaborating for positive change.

🚀 Course Launches: Launched 11 courses designed to empower, educate, and elevate our community. 

🏆 Pitch Competitions Entered: 1 competitions embraced

✨ Dreams Realized: countless dreams turned into reality, thanks to the power of passion and perseverance.

🌟 Dreams Just Beginning: Endless dreams sparked and ignited, paving the way for a future filled with possibilities.

EMPOWER Possible by the Memories:

🗣️ Conversations: Countless heart-to-heart conversations that sparked ideas, fostered collaboration and created a supportive community.

📚 Lessons Learned: A library of lessons, each one a stepping stone towards growth and empowerment. I am learning to embrace the journey and let go of attachment to the outcome.

🏋️ Challenges Overcome: The biggest hurdle has been my mindset. I am learning to get out of my own way knowing that every hurdle faced was a chance to prove our resilience, turning challenges into triumphs. 

Time to reflect:

Looking back on the past two years, what is one achievement or milestone that stands out to you as a testament to your personal growth or the growth of our community? How did it impact you or those around you?

As we celebrate dreams realized and dreams just beginning, what is a dream or goal that you initially thought was beyond reach but, through passion and perseverance, you've seen come to life? 

How has this experience shaped your perspective on what's possible?

Reflecting on the lessons learned and challenges overcome, what is one piece of wisdom or insight gained that you'd share with someone who is just beginning their journey toward empowerment? 

How has overcoming challenges contributed to your resilience and determination?

Feel free to share your reflections or discuss them with others in the empowered community. 

It's a great way to celebrate the journey and inspire each other for the road ahead!

As we celebrate this significant milestone, let's recognize the power of empowerment and the incredible community that makes it all possible. 

Thank you for being a part of my journey, and here's to many more years of EMPOWERING POSSIBILITIES!

Take care, dear reader,


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"Citizenship in a Republic"


Theodore Roosevelt 

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. 

The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena,

 whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; 

who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; 

but who does actually strive to do the deeds; 

who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; 

who spends himself in a worthy cause; 

who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, 

so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”


In the Media

Where can you find EMPOWER Possible?

Besides posting on my own social media I also collaborate with other entrepreneurs. This week I am going to throw back to my very first podcast interview as it is relevant to this topic

I was a guest on the Multiple Revenue Streams podcast and chatted with, Linda Payan. We discuss how to keep going, do the little things every day, and start building a revenue stream that you are proud of. Check it out HERE 

Interested in catching up on our previous podcast episodes? We invite you to explore our library of past recordings, where we delve into a diverse range of topics related to happiness and well-being. 

Upcoming Events

 1) September/October: Better Together Series. Integrative Health and Well-being for Practitioners Series hosted in partnership with the University of Minnesota.

2) October, New Course, Career Crossroad Launch

3) Engaged Company Culture Podcast

4) UnCaped Heroes Podacast

Connect with me on social media!


Copyright © EMPOWER Possible

 Duluth, United States

EMPOWER Possible is dedicated to empowering individuals, organizations, and communities to organize and act together to regenerate our world through Self, Social, and Systems transformation. \ Website \ Mission

You are receiving this email because you expressed an interest in my work—thank you! You can change your email preferences or unsubscribe at any time. 

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Career Crossroads


Take proactive steps toward a future filled with purpose, fulfillment, and success.

Career Crossroads


I've been waiting to spill the beans for quite a while. My newest online course is finally here.

Start the Journey Today:Enroll Now

Dear Empowered Reader,

In the hustle of our professional lives, it's not uncommon to find ourselves in toxic environments, feeling overwhelmed, and yearning for change. 

If you have been a reader of the EMPOWER Possible newsletter, you know that all three have been part of my professional journey and were the inspiration for EMPOWER Possible. I understand this struggle and build products that address this struggle. One of them is my new online course! 

I am thrilled to introduce our transformative course:

Career Crossroads. Because you subscribe to my newsletter you get to learn about the course before I share it widely. 

I invite you to embark on a Journey of Transformation through the online course, Career Crossroads: 

Explore Real-Life Stories: Gain insights from individuals who have successfully navigated career transitions.

Rewrite Your Story: Discover strategies to navigate change with resilience and grace.

Uncover Your True Purpose: Equip yourself with practical tools for uncovering your professional purpose.

Expert Guidance: Benefiting from the wisdom of two instructors, Gary Boelhower joins me as an instructor, Gary is a poet, teacher, and literally wrote the book on making meaningful decisions (Choosing Wisely)!

Why did I build this course?

✨ At EMPOWER Possible I believe in The EMPOWER Model: Rooted in growth, joyful success, and personal experience.

✨ To create Community Connection: More than a course, we're a community committed to making empowerment a reality for you.

Don't Settle—Thrive:

Your career deserves to be a source of joy and fulfillment. Join us on this journey to transform your story and embrace a purpose-driven professional life.

Here's to unlocking the extraordinary potential within you!
If you have questions about the course please do not hesitate to reach out.

Course Outline:

This course is tailor-made for individuals embarking on the exciting journey of a career change, grieving the loss of a career, or those eagerly preparing to embark on this transformative path.
1. to reflect on your past employment experience
2. to consider your unique talents, gifts, and values
3. to allow yourself to grieve and let go of the past
4. to chart a course for the future.

It consists of four modules consisting of video lectures, journaling prompts, and discussion prompts. You can complete at your own pace on your own time.

This has been a labor of love for over a year. 

Please forward this email to anyone who might benefit from the Career Crossroads course. 

I am very excited to bring Career Crossroads into the EMPOWER Possible community!

Take care,


Enroll now

Thank you to the individuals who made this course possible, all those that I interviewed, and those that attended our recording sessions. 

Your support means the world! 


Sunday, September 24, 2023

Courage: You are more courageous than you know or can ever know.



September 24, 2023

Regenerate Your World 

Build the future you want to live in.

I know these times aren't the easiest for all of us, but I am an optimist - I see the glass as refillable instead of half-full or half-empty. To brighten up your days, I publish the Regenerate Your World newsletter coming to your inbox on a bi-weekly basis.

Let's Get Empowered!


You are more courageous than you know or can ever know.

My everyday mantra

Dear Empowered Reader,

Welcome back! In this edition of Empower Possible, we delve into the transformative power of courage, drawing inspiration from my work with my clients, the writings of Dr. Sood, the work of Brene Brown, and my own experiences. Discover how courage can empower you to navigate life's challenges and opportunities with newfound strength and purpose.

Defining Courage
In building a definition of courage I found my definition challenges common misconceptions. It's not about the absence of fear but the ability to take action despite fear and uncertainty. Courage involves doing the right thing, even when it involves risks. I remember a personal experience that resonates with this definition. In 2021, I started my business. It was a leap into the unknown, and fear was present in the face of the unknown. However, I recognized that the meaning and purpose of my new path were more powerful than the fear of uncertainty.

Courage in Everyday Acts
Courage manifests in myriad ways, from everyday acts of kindness to extraordinary feats. It's not confined to grand gestures; it's the willingness to stand up for what's right, even in the face of adversity. One of our readers, Gary shared a touching story. He witnessed a neighbor being unfairly treated, and despite feeling nervous, he spoke out against the injustice. Gary's courage inspired others to join him, and together, they made a positive change in their community. This story reminds us that courage can start with a single voice.

The Neuroscience of Courage

Did you know that courage has a neurological basis? Dr. Sood and Brene Brown delve into the science behind courage, revealing how specific brain regions come into play when facing fear. This resonates with my personal journey. When I decided to start my own business, fear often crept in. Understanding the neuroscience of courage helped me manage those fears. I realized that even the most courageous people experience fear; it's how we manage it that matters.

Breaking Stereotypes
Courage often conjures images of heroes performing daring acts. However, Dr. Sood challenges these stereotypes, highlighting the everyday heroes who display courage through selflessness, kindness, and humility. Reflecting on my own life, I recall a good friend, who, despite their modest means, devotes their time to volunteering at a local shelter. Their acts of compassion and courage in the face of adversity left an indelible mark on my values.

Enhancing Your Courage
Ready to boost your courage quotient? Dr. Sood provides valuable insights on how to enhance your courage. From advanced preparation to fostering connections, embracing the power of belief, and learning from failure, there are many paths to cultivate and strengthen your courage. Personally, I found that embracing failure as a part of my entrepreneurial journey helped me grow stronger and more resilient.

Reflection Questions

How has your understanding of courage evolved after reading about its diverse manifestations and the neuroscience behind it?

Can you recall a recent situation where you displayed courage, no matter how seemingly small you perceived it to be, and how did it make you feel?

Which of the suggestions for enhancing courage resonated with you the most, and how do you plan to incorporate it into your life? (preparation, building connections, learning from failure, etc.)

Final Thoughts

Empower Possible invites you to embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment through the lens of courage. The wisdom of others reminds us that courage is not a rare trait reserved for the extraordinary but a quality that dwells within us all. Embrace your inner courage and unlock the doors to a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

Take care in the journey and thank you for your readership!


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Touched by an Angel


Maya Angelou

We, unaccustomed to courage
exiles from delight
live coiled in shells of loneliness
until love leaves its high holy temple
and comes into our sight
to liberate us into life.

Love arrives
and in its train come ecstasies
old memories of pleasure
ancient histories of pain.
Yet if we are bold,
love strikes away the chains of fear
from our souls.

We are weaned from our timidity
In the flush of love's light
we dare be brave
And suddenly we see
that love costs all we are
and will ever be.
Yet it is only love
which sets us free.


In the Media

Where can you find EMPOWER Possible?

Besides posting on my own social media I also collaborate with other entrepreneurs. If you're feeling overwhelmed, burnt out, and constantly stressed due to the lack of work-life balance and the absence of clear personal boundaries, then you are not alone! Many individuals find themselves trapped in a cycle of overworking, neglecting their personal lives, and struggling to establish healthy limits. 

Despite our efforts, we may find that our relationships suffer, our mental and physical health declines and our overall well-being is compromised. It's time to break free from this cycle and prioritize creating a harmonious work-life balance and setting firm boundaries.

Click HERE to listen to my recent interview on the Not Just A Daydream podcast with Kristi Winfree.

Interested in catching up on our previous podcast episodes? We invite you to explore our library of past recordings, where we delve into a diverse range of topics related to happiness and well-being. 

Upcoming Events

 1) September 27th, Midwest Health Promotion Conference: Weaving a Web of Wellness 

Presenting on the topic of Care Champions. To Register go to Health Source Solutions

2) September 30th, Mindfulness Moment. Dream Up! Conference.

3) September/October: Better Together Series. Integrative Health and Well-being for Practitioners Series hosted in partnership with the University of Minnesota.

3) October, New Course, Career Crossroads Launch Stay Tuned for Details!

4) October, MNSOPHE Conference, more details to come!

Connect with me on social media!


Copyright © 

EMPOWER Possible is dedicated to empowering individuals, organizations, and communities to organize and act together to regenerate our world through Self, Social, and Systems transformation. \ Website \ Mission

You are receiving this email because you expressed an interest in my work—thank you! You can change your email preferences or unsubscribe at any time. 

Monday, August 28, 2023

Making Space For Growth



August 28, 2023

Regenerate Your World 

Build the future you want to live in.

I know these times aren't the easiest for all of us, but I am an optimist - I see the glass as refillable instead of half-full or half-empty. To brighten up your days, I publish the Regenerate Your World newsletter coming to your inbox on a bi-weekly basis.

Let's Get Empowered!

Making Space for Growth

Deck and Flowers in pots

Dear Empowered Reader,

I was sitting on my deck one recent morning, enjoying my breakfast, when I looked over at my potted plants and realized that they were not blooming as much as I thought they would.

The leaves were turning reddish-brown, but they hadn't fallen. I don’t have much of a green thumb, but something felt off. 

So last week I decided to prune the plants, carefully removing all the non-green leaves and removing the old blooms.

The next day I came outside and there were new blooms. See the photo above. This whole time I was waiting for the blooms to increase on my plants, I was wondering what more it needed — more sunlight, more fertilizer, or perhaps more water. 

Turns out, the only thing holding it back from growing was its past self.

It made me wonder — how much of our growth relies on first trimming what no longer serves us?

What do we need to release so that we can flourish in the next season of our lives?

What if we were to gently prune all the old stories we tell ourselves about who we are?

What if we trim away all of the regrets of the past and the anxieties about the future?

Gently pull away from all the outside influences telling us who we should be.

What new season of life and what new story can we step into after we make space for our own growth?

Share your thoughts on today's by emailing me at

One way to start a new season is to celebrate your uniqueness by attending a workshop! 

Please forward this to a friend and join me for a Building Your Strengths Workshop hosted by the ALA, The virtual interactive workshop begins with the completion of a strength identification exercise and a reflection period. This workshop also includes the opportunity to go into small groups, participate in meaningful discussions, and will leave with a clearer understanding of personal strengths and team strengths. 

Please feel free to ask me any questions you may have,

Sign up here: Core Classroom: Building Our Strengths Together ( 

Together we can regenerate our world,


(This reflection was inspired by the Holstee newsletter published in Summer of 2023)

Was this newsletter forwarded to you? Click here to get your own subscription.

FURNACE by Gary Boelhower

Where the wound goes deep

you must follow it all the way down

to the center where the molten metal

flares and seethes.


This is the fire that keeps you alive

where all that is unformed and unimagined

waits for an opening some fine fissure

for the rise of a new word.


Do not fear the heat or flame

where it touches you

there your resolve deepens

your bones grow strong tested in the furnace.


There at the deep center

where the crimson sirens wail with grief

let go of everything that doesn’t shine or sing.

Let all the rest be burned.


Take that one small step

toward the story of your essential longing

that neither fire nor fear can cancel.

Keep only what is true to your name.


In the Media

Where can you find EMPOWER Possible?

Besides posting on my own social media, I also collaborate with other entrepreneurs. 

Most recently, I was a guest on Monday Positivitea with Parul. We chatted about, Freedom From The Clock: Balancing Self-Discipline, Soul Purpose, and Self-Love for True Freedom🕒 Check out the episode linked HERE to learn tips about finding work-life harmony, setting boundaries, and gaining freedom from the clock!

Interested in catching up on our previous podcast episodes? We invite you to explore our library of past recordings, where we delve into a diverse range of topics related to happiness and well-being. 

Upcoming Events

1) September, Building Our Strengths Online Course

The interactive workshop will begin by identifying your strengths and offer the opportunity to discuss and reflect on your strengths. By the end of the workshop, you will have a clearer understanding of your personal strengths and how you utilize them in your work and personal life.

To register go to Building Our Strengths  

own text

Join me! Build Your Strengths


2) September 27th, Midwest Health Promotion Conference: Weaving a Web of Wellness 

Presenting on the topic of Care Champions. To Register go to Health Source Solutions

3) October, New Course, Career Crossroads Launch Stay Tuned for Details!

4) October, MNSOPHE Conference, more details to come!

Connect with me on social media!


Copyright © EMPOWER Possible

EMPOWER Possible is dedicated to empowering individuals, organizations, and communities to organize and act together to regenerate our world through Self, Social, and Systems transformation. \ Website \ Mission

How to Embrace Change

  May 12, 2024 Regenerate Your World  Build the future you want to live in. I know these times aren't the easiest for all of us, but I a...