Monday, September 30, 2024

The Power of Naming Things to Reframe One's Perspective



September 30, 2024

Regenerate Your World 

Build the future you want to live in.

I know these times aren't the easiest for all of us, but I am an optimist - I see the glass as refillable instead of half-full or half-empty. To brighten up your days, I publish the Regenerate Your World newsletter coming to your inbox on a bi-weekly basis.

Let's Get Empowered!

The Power of Naming Things to Reframe One's Perspective

Dear Empowered Reader,

Happy Fall! 

We are now officially a little over a week into Fall. I have written about change and transition a lot over the past few newsletters as this has been a topic I have been experiencing as I moved to a new city and prepared to enter a new season in life. 

I have highlighted many different aspects of change including, learning new things, practicing gratitude for the lessons change teaching us, finding joy and how to embrace change.
However, one crucial topic I haven't yet explored is what happens when our perception of the world holds us back from making a change. This realization struck me when my sister, Joan Oen, shared a recent experience in our family group chat about how she shifted her perspective. Her insight immediately resonated with me, and I knew it needed to be featured in an upcoming edition of the Empower Possible Newsletter. After reaching out to Joan, she graciously agreed to let me share her story with you.
As we continue to navigate through change and transition, it's important to remember that our perception of the world can significantly impact our ability to embrace change. Often, the way we see the world can create barriers that prevent us from moving forward. By shifting our perspective and opening our minds to new possibilities, we can overcome the fear and resistance that often accompany change.
It's also crucial to practice self-compassion and patience with ourselves as we adapt to new circumstances. Change can be challenging, and it's easy to be hard on ourselves when things don't go as planned. However, by embracing change as an opportunity for growth and learning, we can transform these challenges into stepping stones toward a more fulfilling and empowered life.
As we settle into the fall season, let's challenge ourselves to see change as a positive force and a chance to create the life we truly desire. By consciously shifting our perspective, we can unlock new opportunities and experiences that lead to personal and professional growth. Embracing change with an open heart and mind can pave the way for a brighter, more fulfilling future. Joan did a wonderful job of highlighting what can you do if your perception of the world is what is holding you back from making a change.

Here is what she shared:


Crickets freak me out. As a kid, their chirps in my basement bedroom taunted me, making me fear an imminent attack from their agile black-shelled bodies. Fast forward to now; there’s a very vocal cricket in my garage. Every time I enter, it calls to me from its invisible hiding place. At first, it brought back my childhood fears of unpredictable jumping bugs. Then I decided to name it Jiminy–thank you, Disney. Now I compliment Jiminy on his pretty chirping and thank him for greeting me. Through the magic of Disney and a shift in my perspective, the unseen cricket no longer bothers me. In fact, I kind of like Jiminy. He seems like a good listener and his ability to carry a consistent tune is impressive.


As I reflected on Joan's words I thought "The Power of Naming Things to Reframe One's Perspective" can lead to a reflection on my thoughts. Some helpful questions I will be reflection on listed below. I hope you take a moment to reflect on them as well.

1. What labels or names have you given to your current challenges or feelings? How might renaming them with a more empowering term shift your perspective and approach?

2. Think of a recent situation where you felt stuck or overwhelmed. If you could give that experience a new name that reflects a positive lesson or opportunity, what would it be?

3. How do the words and labels you use to describe your daily experiences influence your mindset? What new names could you adopt to create a more harmonious and hopeful outlook?

Thank you to Joan for sharing your story and inspiring this newsletter. For our readers, here is a little more about Joan. 

Joan Oen is a free-lance writer with a teacher’s heart who is fully embracing a season of change and lives by the motto “Keep Moving Forward”. She writes poetry, creative nonfiction, fiction, and essays. Joan has four stories published in the Chicken Soup for the Soul series: “That’s What Moms Are For” in The Magic of Mothers and Daughters, 2012; “What Would I Do Without You?” in Devotional Stories for Wives, 2013; “Comrade in Arms” in The Dog Did What?, 2014; “Absolutely Worth It” in The Magic of Dogs, 2020.  Joan has a Bachelor’s degree in Communication/Literature Education grades 5-12 and a Master of Arts in Human Development from St. Mary’s University of Minnesota. You can reach her at

all-original free transparent image (gif images and PNG images with transparent backgrounds) of Pinocchio's officially appointed conscience Jiminy Cricket from Disney's classic animated movie Pinocchio

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Upcoming Events

  • Mountain 10 Workshop

To sign up for the waitlist please click HERE to complete the form 

  • Benedictine Conference
    • Care for the Caregiver
  • Workshop: Why Employee Well-Being Matters
  • Workshop: Mid-Life and Beyond: Strategies for Healthy Aging and Connecting to Community

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Copyright © EmpowerPossible

EMPOWER Possible is dedicated to empowering individuals, organizations, and communities to organize and act together to regenerate our world through Self, Social, and Systems transformation. \ Website \ Mission

This newsletter contains content that has been modified and inspired by ChatGPT, an AI language model developed by OpenAI. While we use ChatGPT to enhance our content, it should not be considered professional advice. For specific concerns or decisions, please consult with a qualified professional or trusted source. The newsletter authors are not responsible for any actions taken based on the information provided by or inspired by ChatGPT.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

The Power of Daily Habits



September 17, 2024

Regenerate Your World 

Build the future you want to live in.

I know these times aren't the easiest for all of us, but I am an optimist - I see the glass as refillable instead of half-full or half-empty. To brighten up your days, I publish the Regenerate Your World newsletter coming to your inbox on a bi-weekly basis.

Let's Get Empowered!

The Power of Daily Habits

One of my daily habits is to get moving! Biking is a favorite way for me to get moving.

Dear Empowered Reader,

As we transition into fall, there's a natural shift in energy and rhythm. The days of summer give way to a more structured routine as the school year begins, even those of us without children are impacted by the changing schedules of friends, family, and colleagues. This period is an excellent opportunity to reset, recharge, and create sustainable daily habits that will carry us through the season with vitality and balance.

I decided to focus this newsletter on daily habits. Why focus on daily habits? Daily habits are the foundation of our overall well-being. They are the small, consistent actions we take each day that contribute to our physical, mental, and emotional health. As we prepare to enter the fall season, it's essential to establish routines that align with the season's demands and rhythms.

 In the last few newsletters I mentioned how to enjoy the last weeks of summer and learning something new, this newsletter prepares us for fall.

Whether it's adjusting your sleep schedule, incorporating seasonal foods into your diet, or finding time for reflection and goal-setting, these habits can help you stay grounded and energized.

This fall, I’ve decided to focus on incorporating more mindfulness into my daily routine. I noticed that my mornings often felt rushed and stressful, which set a negative tone for the rest of the day. By committing to just five minutes of deep breathing or meditation each morning, I’ve been able to start my day with a clearer mind and a more positive outlook.

Reflection Question:

- What small change could you make in your morning routine that would have a positive impact on your day?

This leads to building daily habits. How do we build daily habits? The key to creating sustainable habits is to start small. Instead of overhauling your entire routine, focus on one or two areas where you'd like to see improvement. For example, if you want to prioritize your morning routine, start by waking up 15 minutes earlier to allow time for a short meditation or a quick stretch. Over time, these small changes will become second nature, making it easier to build on them.

Begin with a morning habit, like drinking a glass of water right after waking up. This seemingly small action can set a positive tone for the rest of your day and lead to further healthy choices.

A few years ago when a friend wanted to increase their physical activity but struggled to find the time. I suggested we walk together by taking a 10-minute walk during our lunch break. It seemed insignificant at first, but as it became part of their routine, they found themselves gradually increasing the time and eventually incorporating longer walks and other forms of exercise into their week.

Reflection Question:

- What is one small, manageable habit you can introduce this fall to improve your well-being?

You have decided your habit now what? It's time to track your progress this will help you to stay motivated.

Tracking your progress is a powerful tool for maintaining motivation. Whether you use a journal, an app, or a simple checklist, documenting your habits can help you stay accountable and see how far you've come. As you track your progress, you'll also identify patterns and make adjustments as needed. Every once in awhile review your checklists to see how far you have come!

Example: Create a habit tracker that includes your daily goals, such as exercise, mindfulness, hydration, and sleep. Review your progress weekly to celebrate your successes and make any necessary adjustments.

I’ve found that using a simple habit-tracking journal has made a huge difference in sticking to my new routines. By checking off my daily habits, like drinking enough water or getting outside for fresh air, I feel a sense of accomplishment that motivates me to keep going, even on tough days. 

Reflection Question:

- How can you track your progress to stay motivated and accountable for your new habits?

Fall is a season of change and preparation, making it an ideal time to establish new habits. The cooling temperatures and shorter days naturally encourage us to slow down and focus inward. Use this seasonal energy to your advantage by creating routines that reflect the fall's themes of grounding and balance.

Incorporate seasonal activities like walks in the crisp autumn air, enjoying warm, nourishing meals, or practicing gratitude as the year winds down. These habits can help you feel more connected to the season and your well-being.

Every fall, I make it a point to spend time outdoors, enjoying the changing colors and cooler temperatures. This simple habit of connecting with nature not only boosts my mood but also reminds me to slow down and appreciate the beauty of the season. It’s become a grounding practice that I look forward to each year.

Reflection Question:

- What seasonal activity can you incorporate into your routine this fall to help you feel more grounded and connected?

Even if you don’t have kids heading back to school, the fall can be a time for your own "new beginning." Use this time to reset your routines, set new goals, and focus on personal growth. Whether it’s learning a new skill, deepening your self-care practices, or organizing your home, the start of the school year can be a powerful motivator for positive change.

Set a "back-to-school" goal for yourself, such as completing a course, reading a book, or decluttering a space in your home. Approach it with the same enthusiasm and commitment that students bring to the new school year.

Last fall, I decided to take a cooking class as my "back-to-school" challenge. It was something I’d always wanted to do but never made time for. Not only did it improve my cooking skills, but it also brought a new sense of creativity and joy into my daily life. It reminded me that it’s never too late to learn and grow.

Reflection Question:

- What is one "back-to-school" goal you can set for yourself this fall, and how will it contribute to your personal growth?

Staying motivated is often the biggest challenge when building new habits. Celebrate your small wins along the way to keep your momentum going. Acknowledge your efforts, no matter how minor they may seem, and remind yourself of the long-term benefits of your new routines.

 Treat yourself to a small reward after completing a week of your new routine, such as a relaxing bath, a favorite snack, or a movie night. These rewards reinforce the positive behavior and make the process enjoyable.

I’ve learned that celebrating small wins is crucial to maintaining motivation. For example, when I successfully stick to completing a goal, I reward myself with a favorite treat or a relaxing evening with a good book. These small rewards make the process enjoyable and remind me of the progress I’m making.

Reflection Question:

- How can you celebrate your small wins to stay motivated on your wellness journey this fall?

By recharging your routine this fall, you're setting the stage for a season of wellness and balance. Remember, the goal is not to create the perfect routine but to build habits that support your well-being and can be sustained over time. As you embrace these new habits, you'll find yourself better equipped to handle the changes and challenges that come with the season.

Take Care, Dear Reader,



Empower Possible


Photo from a cooking class. We made salsa, guacamole, and tacos!

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A Maple Leaf 

By Margaret E. Sangster

So bright in death I used to say,
        So beautiful through frost and cold!
A lovelier thing I know to-day,
        The leaf is growing old,
And wears in grace of duty done,
The gold and scarlet of the sun.

Margaret E. Sangster. "A Maple Leaf." Family Friend Poems,


Kind Words from a Conference Attendee

A special thanks to a conference attendee for sharing a few kind words.

Upcoming Events

Should you have any burning questions or want more details, don’t hesitate to drop me an email at info@EmpowerPossible.comI can’t wait to connect with you! 

Fall 2024

  • Mountain 10 Workshop

To sign up for the waitlist please click HERE to complete the form 

  • Benedictine Conference
    • Care for the Caregiver
  • Workshop: Why Employee Well-Being Matters
  • Workshop: Mid-Life and Beyond: Strategies for Healthy Aging and Connecting to Community

Please reach out if you have any questions,

Connect with me on social media!


Copyright © EmpowerPossible

EMPOWER Possible is dedicated to empowering individuals, organizations, and communities to organize and act together to regenerate our world through Self, Social, and Systems transformation. \ Website \ Mission

This newsletter contains content that has been modified and inspired by ChatGPT, an AI language model developed by OpenAI. While we use ChatGPT to enhance our content, it should not be considered professional advice. For specific concerns or decisions, please consult with a qualified professional or trusted source. The newsletter authors are not responsible for any actions taken based on the information provided by or inspired by ChatGPT.

The Power of Naming Things to Reframe One's Perspective

    September 30, 2024 Regenerate Your World  Build the future you want to live in. I know these times aren't the easiest for all of us,...